Hands – how to protect them from harmful factors


Dry hand skin can affect anyone. The hands are very delicate, yet they're constantly subjected to harmful external factors. So if they don't get the right amount of hydration and protection, they'll be even drier, rougher, and prone to ageing. So what kind of daily regime should you have to keep them protected? Here are some tips.

Dry hand skin – causes

Severe dryness and keratosis of hand skin may indicate an illness, such as eczema. For most people, however, the causes of dry hands are more ordinary and result from exposure to environmental factors. First of all, weather can be detrimental – both frost and long-term sun exposure. Second, contact with detergents used for washing and cleaning. The stronger they are (for example, if they contain chlorine), the more they dry out and irritate the skin. Another negative factor is frequent hand washing using soap, which, although it effectively removes germs and dirt, leaves the skin dry and tight. Third, neglect can also cause dry hands. Don't forget that even if you come into contact with chemicals and other harmful factors, minor damage to your hands can be fixed on an ongoing basis and prevented in the future.

Dry and rough hands – how to moisturise and protect them

First of all, don't forget to look after your hands every day, even if your skin is in good condition at the given moment. If it's well moisturised and nourished, even unfavourable environmental conditions won't have a terribly negative effect. The key thing to remember is to use protective gloves whenever your hands may come into contact with detergents, including dishwashing liquid or strong surface cleaning products. It's also important to moisturise your hands after each wash, and that's why hand cream should be one of the basic cosmetics you have in your bathroom, handbag or bedside table. Evenings are a great opportunity to give your hands a more intense dose of hydration, so before going to bed, apply a thick layer of cream or oil to your skin and put on cotton gloves to enjoy smooth, soft and well moisturised skin in the morning.

Recently, hand masks in the form of gloves with beneficial ingredients have become increasingly popular on the cosmetics market. This treatment can be done overnight or during the day – you simply put on the gloves, for example, while cleaning or relaxing, without any complicated regimes being required. An example is the Perfect Hands rejuvenating gloves by Lirene. They contain 15% of a specially composed anti-ageing complex with regenerating, rejuvenating and moisturising properties. In addition, niacinamide helps lighten discolouration, and ginseng extract has antioxidant properties to protect the skin against free radicals. The ingredients include a complex of 10 vitamins that support the renewal of the skin and nails.

Is hand moisturising always enough to get rid of dryness?

Everyone should look after their hands throughout the year and use protective gloves and moisturisers. However, sometimes there are situations when specialist intervention is necessary. If your hands are severely irritated, itchy, and the skin becomes keratinised or cracked, make sure to see a dermatologist, because in severe cases, it may be necessary to use medications. Diseases that usually cause similar symptoms are eczema and psoriasis; neglecting them can lead to complications that are difficult to treat, including infection, so don't underestimate them.