How to fight cellulite


Cellulite – also known as orange-peel skin – is a nightmare for many women. Visible changes in the skin's structure on the thighs and buttocks may appear irrespective of age. However, you can win the fight against cellulite! A crucial element is proper body care, made easier by cosmetics and treatments specially designed for this purpose.

Cellulite, or female lipodystrophy, occurs on the skin of the thighs and buttocks for many different reasons. Sudden, intense weight fluctuations, poor diet, lack of regular exercise, unhealthy lifestyle and stimulants can all cause cellulite. In particular, rapid weight loss can make skin that was previously stretched from the additional kilos hang loose and lose its firmness, while the fat cells – adipocytes – grow incorrectly, creating an uneven structure, which causes visible changes.

The main factors in the formation of cellulite are abnormal thyroid function and hormonal disorders. Excess oestrogens – one of the female hormones – cause abnormal blood and lymph circulation in subcutaneous tissue. Reduced permeability of blood and lymphatic vessels causes swelling and water retention, which contributes to the formation of cellulite, especially fluid-retention cellulite, caused by excess fluid in the tissues. An excess of another type of hormone – progesterone – weakens collagen fibres, and causes loss of skin firmness and greater susceptibility to changes in its structure.

How to fight cellulite

Prevention is a must for effective anti-cellulite care – changes in the structure of the skin, and more precisely, fat cells, occur in several stages, and the earlier their progress is stopped, the better the results that can be obtained. Lirene has developed a line of anti-cellulite cosmetics and treatments to help you comprehensively look after orange-peel-prone skin. What’s more, Lirene's anti-cellulite products are suitable for both skin where cellulite is already present as well as for skin where it's not yet visible, but could appear.

There are three types of cellulite: soft cellulite, hard cellulite, and oedematous cellulite (also called water-retention cellulite). Soft cellulite usually occurs in women over 40, mainly due to an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise. Fluid-retention cellulite is caused by excess water in the tissues, which may be the result of hormonal disorders. At the first phase of changes, hard cellulite may be visible at a young age if you compress the skin of the thighs or buttocks. Distinctive dimples appear on the skin. It's worth investing in good-quality anti-cellulite care already at this stage. Lirene's anti-cellulite cosmetics improve the microcirculation of blood and lymph in the skin's layers, meaning they activate fat burning mechanisms – thermogenesis. This is particularly seen in the Anti-Cellulite Bio-Lipolysis Professional Firming Gel with Yerba Mate and Caffeinedeveloped by Lirene experts, which provides healthy skin tone and firmness.

The Lirene anti-cellulite series also includes an intensive serum – Anti-Cellulite Mesotherapy – body reshaper, and cellulite and fat reducer. It works quickly, giving you effects comparable to needle mesotherapy treatment used in aesthetic cosmetology clinics – smoothing of the skin's structure, restoring its tone and healthy appearance.

Another very useful tool in the fight against cellulite is skin firming by improving circulation. So don't underestimate the importance of firming treatments that you can perform yourself at home using special rough gloves and sponges, anti-cellulite massagers, and Chinese cups. Fireless Chinese cupping massage intensively stimulates blood circulation in the skin, which visibly improves its firmness, colour and structure, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Lirene's anti-cellulite ENDO-MASSAGE – Anti-cellulite massage oil + Chinese cup allow you to perform anti-cellulite massage yourself. Performed regularly, it slims the thighs, making the skin taut and elastic.

Periodic use of anti-cellulite treatments and products,as well as healthy habits, such as drinking water, eating healthy and giving up stimulants, will help you to achieve visible results and succeed in the fight against cellulite.